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  • Writer's pictureKristen Leigh

The F Word

Friday. My favorite F word. Today I'm lucky enough to spend it home with my sweet girl. So what's on our agenda? Run errands, grab a coffee, visit Auntie, throw some laundry in (hmm did I remember to switch it yet? of course I forgot), oh and have a living room photo shoot.

Tomorrow she'll be four months. Time flies. Could you just slow down a little bit? So for now I'm going to plop her in the onesie I bought for when we took her home from the hospital (because her little 5 lb self was swimming in it then, fast forward and taaa-da we're not swimming nearly as much) and take her picture over and over.

Because it's little simple moments like this that I'll treasure forever. True or false- the photo album on a moms phone is 99% her baby. What's the other 1%? Food, obviouslyyyyyyy.

I can only wonder what's going through her cute little head as I'm standing above her waving toys, making ridiculous noises, wondering if my neighbors can see me looking like a fool. Gosh us mom's can be ridiculous sometimes but the ridiculousness is 100% worth it. Make that 110% worth it. Do you think she's wondering when I'm going to wash my hair again? Or why I'm in the same shirt I wore to bed? Hashtag mom life. Hashtag I don't care. I wouldn't trade this hair and repeated outfits for the world. #momlife

As I'm writing this she's fast asleep in my lap, and I can't stop staring at her in her hello world onesie. This little human is now my world, and I can't remember life before her. Wait, I do remember there were more target trips, Merlot pours, sleep, and showers. But I'm okay with less of all that because I have more of her.

Now here's to soaking in the rest of our Friday with lots of snuggles, and possibly switching that laundry (I'm not changing though).

Bow- My Cup of Tea Baby @mycupofteababy

Onesie- Urban Baby Co. @urbanbabyco

Blanket- Ivie Baby @iviebabyshop

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