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  • Writer's pictureKristen Leigh

Party Animal

This is two (and a few months later)! I'm late to sharing (heyyy motherhood), but our little turned TWO this fall and I decided for a simple celebration. With of course going "all out" for her first birthday party, I was not feeling the idea of taking on another large party to organize, host, and drop a lot of money on; so we opted for something simple and sweet with just our siblings, parents, and nieces/nephews.

If you're looking to keep things low key too, I'm sharing a few easy to do ideas that will make your toddler just as happy.

Balloons, LOTS of balloons! We decorated Mila's playroom the night before so she could wake up to this sweet (and very easy, and cost friendly) surprise. She thought this was the greatest thing, and I can't tell you how simple it was to prepare. Win win mama.

Letterboard fun. Order yourself a letterboard from Amazon or Target and come up with a fun saying you can incorporate into memorable photos. Without having a big party, I knew I needed something to have as "decoration", and this little number I kept in my kitchen was just that. The first thing that came to my mind was, "The one where Mila turned two", thank you Friends, and it was the cutest addition. I'm a sucker for letterboards, something so simple to write my dorky sayings.

Cake cake cake cake. Without having to worry about all the planning that comes with parties, and dollars, I put my attention in coming up with the cutest cake. Party Animal was the theme I went for, and linked the animals I used below. Even better, after cleaning the frosting off, she now has them as toys.

Keep it simple with the gifts. With the holidays right around the corner from her birthday I knew she didn't need much. We're fortunate to receive hand me downs frequently from my sister too. One "big" gift was our game plan. I've been lucky with Facebook Marketplace recently when it comes to things for our little ones. I found a dollhouse in great shape for less than half of what I was seeing online. With a little TLC, I brought this babe back to life and my little one loves it!

And wah-lahh! It was the best way to celebrate our little miss last fall. And sure we would have LOVED all our friends and family to be there to cheers in two, but let's be real mama's, that shit is exhausting to plan and host! Simple is key sometimes, and simple is okay. Especially right now during the interesting times we're living in (COVID, stay at home orders, social distancing). You can still have a party within your four walls, with just your "quarantine crew" as we now call it! Don't let social media tell you otherwise, your little one will smile just as big. I truly felt more present, being able to enjoy the day from start to end without having to be in the kitchen the entire time as that easily happens during large gatherings. Go plan your little "just us" party animal celebration!

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