If you live in New England, Halloween felt more like a Merry Halloween. Snow on the ground and trick or treating, andddd a full moon. It all certainly felt a little different with much less kids trick or treating, but I did see lots of creative, safe, and fun ways to still make it a great day for the kiddos. I LOVE seeing other's costumes, as I write this watching Hocus Pocus, drinking hot chocolate out of a Santa mug (oh my gourd I know, I know), I'm scrolling through friends social media absolutely loving all the creative awesome costumes.
We left it up to our toddler to tell us what we'd be for Halloween (I was convinced she'd say Frozen) but she picked Toy Story as it's our movie obsession of the year. Gal pal even says she wants to be Jesse when she grows up, and says "yee-haw" about 17 times a day. I root for the mama's who kill the DIY costume game, but this mama works way too much to have even a minute of time to put into a DIY. I wish I had more creative "I got this" bones; but, that's when I'm thankful for my always reliable BFF, Amazon.
A Toy Story Halloween

"You've got a friend in me. You got troubles, and I got 'em too. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. We stick together, we can see it through, 'cause you got a friend in me"
